Part 48: 23:47-0:23: Descent Into Madness
Chapter 48: 23:47-0:23: Descent Into Madness
ARIST: [Easy: Success] Youve seemingly exhausted all possibilities. Go check out the Feld mural again and think about where you might find Ruby.

FELD MURAL: Above the murala collapsed roof, broken windows set in walls that are cracking and will soon also fall, and the coastal breeze rustling and sighing in the remains of the edifice.
ENCYCLOPEDIA: [Medium: Success] Feld Electricalyou only know them as a small company that makes ink cartridges. Looks like they used to be big.

FELD MURAL: Indeed. Somehow you knew it was here. An urban ruin gutted by looters that once used to consume money and dispense warmth and light.

KIM KITSURAGI: In there? She could. Or He points behind you. She could be in that *identical* ruin over there, or in that boat shack. In that church tower, maybe

ARIST: [Challenging: Success] All the stories youve found and become a part of, all the closure youve witnessed, you can feel it all rising up within you, giving you strength.

SHIVERS: Trying to talk to the wind? The city? Whatever you thought would happen did not, and now youre just standing there, in the dusk hour. With your hands fallen to your side.
LOGIC: [Medium: Success] Is *trying to talk to the city* something youve done before? Is it in your secret repertoirea trick for when youre out of ideas?

KIM KITSURAGI: How *do* we? I was really hoping shed be in the village The lieutenant sighs, then gets a hold of himself: Okay. Shes *probably* north of the village and this place is a peninsula. He looks North. We already scanned most of the outdoor areas on our wild *cryptid hunt*, so we have an understanding of the geography, at least. And then theres the church. He looks at the bell tower. Weve already searched that and can rule it out. I know it doesnt feel like progress, but exclusion is a step too.

SHIVERS: Walk the coast, the old boardwalk, the reeds You can always come back here and talk to the wind again. Look where it already got you.

ARIST: [Formidable: Success] You try once more.

KIM KITSURAGI: He shrugs. So how do we get in there? The doors were on the collapsed side of this building theyre gone, basically.

Waste Land of Reality may seem like a huge waste (land of reality) because of all the penalties, but its well worth it, because +1 Psyche means all our Psyche skills go up one. Even the ones that got penalized, meaning those are a zero sum. Those are also, coincidentally, two skills that get boosted by Cleaning Out The Rooms, so all in all its been very productive for us (except Physical Instrument, which does still get penalized).

Lets check the ladder.

FELD LADDER: The distances between the remaining rungs are rather *wide*. Youd have to use the mounting brackets. However, they seem corroded and the peeling rust is razor-sharp.

FELD LADDER: Not to mention that the roof is collapsing and the wind gets pretty brutal up there. Dismounting from the ladder is going to be *hard*. Perhaps if you were to *not* climb the ladder? Instead
SAVOIR FAIRE: [Medium: Success] What if you were to do something more *subtle*?

KIM KITSURAGI: The lieutenant stares at you, stone-faced. Teleportation is not a thing.

KIM KITSURAGI: Oh yes. It could hurt. A lot.

SAVOIR FAIRE: *ZOOT*! *ZAP*! *POW*! *CRINKLE*! Its like magic, you feel yourself disappear, your atoms fading out of existence
KIM KITSURAGI: Okay, well. Thats impressive, but

KIM KITSURAGI: I just *saw* you climb the ladder, the lieutenant shouts from below. You just climbed it, like a regular person.
PERCEPTION (HEARING): [Easy: Success] The wind at the top of the building starts howling loudly, blowing away the lieutenants voice . Faintly you hear

ARIST: [Medium: Success] You fish out your flashlight from your cloak and descend further into the building.

KIM KITSURAGI: After you *climbed* up to the roof, you mean? Theres a maintenance entrance under the boardwalk. Its next to a drain pipe, possibly a storm drainit was easy to miss before.

INTERFACING: The how was a closely guarded secret. Something that was locked in safes and human heads across the river where they were manufactured. As to why? Your fingers dont know.

KIM KITSURAGI: These? No. These are old filament memories. I hope youre not expecting to find that device hereyou will be disappointed.

KIM KITSURAGI: Yes, I can see that. Looks like some communists were hiding out here. They left a long time ago.

KIM KITSURAGI: Half a century? This was probably part of the network of defence posts the communards builts against the amphibious landing.

KIM KITSURAGI: We have found a lot of those lately I guess what most people think of as *history* tends to linger in run-down neighbourhoods. Martinaise being what it is, no one has gone through the trouble of cleaning out the old bunkers.

KRAS MAZOV PORTRAIT: Years worth of dust is shaken off. The full head of hair, matched by an ample moustache and sideburns, look a bit silly.

KIM KITSURAGI: He lowers his voice. Once we detain a credible suspect, who knows what the Union and the Wild Pines will do? Well set in motion events we have no control over.
LOGIC: [Medium: Success] You will upset the balance of power in Martinaise. The deadlock between the company and the Union will destabilize.
INTERFACING: [Challenging: Success] This part of town is a fine clockwork puzzle. Disturb its peace and it will start breaking downuncontrollably.

KIM KITSURAGI: I dont know, little things? He pauses. But youre right. Weve gotten everything we can from the Unionwe even opened that container

KIM KITSURAGI: I still dont think that was a good idea, but yesour affairs with the Wild Pines are in order. Since she isnt in Martinaise anymore.

KIM KITSURAGI: Well were not responsible for what we cant predict, are we? I dont think the *entire* city will be razed to the ground. He smiles in the dark.
ESPRIT DE CORPS: [Challenging: Success] Lets *try* not to worry, he thinks.

SAVOIR FAIRE: [Easy: Success] I wouldnt be so sure. You havent exactly been sneaking.

Well, lets proceed further into this dark caver